The Password Protection of instructions is part of most GIRI plans. If you're not sure, please check your quote or order confirmation for this feature.
The handling of this feature is 2-fold:
You will need to set a password inside the GIRI User Management Panel (for most our customers, this will be:, that is valid for all protected instructions inside your organisation. At this time it is not possible, to set different passwords for different instructions.
You will need to lock those instructions individually, that require a password protection. You can do this when you create your instruction (currently on your phone or tablet).
1 - Set an organisational password for your instructions
Go into your user management panel (
-> Customize Giri -> Password Manager.
Set a password here. If you are not able to set a password yourself, please contact your organisational administrator to help you.
2- Lock an instruction on your phone
Once you created your instruction, go to the project where you see the instruction, that you want to lock. Click on the 3 dots "..." and then hit "Lock".
Now your instruction is locked and any web viewers will be prompted to enter the password first.