Upload 3D symbols to your GIRI account
1) New Basic Symbols (2024 - 03 -12)
If you have an old account, you might see "old" style 3D symbols. Simply deactivate your old symbols on the server and upload the new ones.
2) Giant Symbols (2024 - 03 -12)
We provide a few symbols that are very large - up to 1 meter. You can use them outdoors, for facility management navigation, or when working with large machines.
3) ISO symbols
We provide many industrial warning symbols.
4) Animated Objects
Can I create my own symbols?
Currently this is a manual process and needs our supervision. However, you can provide us with a GLB file and we can convert it for you.
How to upload your symbols?
First, download the symbols from the provided links. Unzip them and upload to the server (server address). After uploading, log out of GIRI and then log back in.