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GIRI Bootcamp Session 1 + 2

In these 2 combined sessions you will learn everything you need to know to create amazing work instruction.

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Written by Support
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This bootcamp consists of 2 sessions:

  1. Session: Learn how to use the App and how to administrate GIRI

  2. Session: Learn how to structure work instructions and handle the creation process.

Session 1: How to use GIRI

Content: Comprehensive understanding of the GIRI system for optimizing operations and workflows.

Learning Goal after the Session: Confidently create, edit, and publish instructions with GIRI.


  • Intro (Agenda / Curriculum, where to find what)

  • Theory 1

    • Login and App

    • Create and share first instruction

    • The thing with the arrows

    • Share first instruction

  • Theory 2

    • Which hardware (which device is best Pros and Cons)

    • Share instruction

      • QR Code

      • PDF

      • Integration

    • Backend

      • User Management

      • Create QR Code

      • Configure 3D Model / 2D Models

      • Whitelabel

      • Language Translation

  • Homework

    • Create 2 clear instructions min 10 steps and share with us (via Email?)

  • FAQ / Doing

Downloads and Links

Session Slides: Bootcamp 1 Slides

Best practices for recordings: Best-practices-for-Recordings

AR-Objects: Giant Symbols

We provide a few very large symbols - up to 1 meter. You can use them outdoors, for facility management navigation, or when working with large machines.

AR-Objects: ISO symbols

We provide many industrial warning symbols.

Session 2: How to make great work instructions

7 Steps on How to create an instructions

  1. Define the objective

    • Clearly state what the work instruction aims to achieve, including the task, its purpose, and the expected outcome.

  2. Identify Your Audience

    • Know who will use the instructions and tailor the content to their skill level and language preferences.

  3. What are the 3 most important Points?

    • Genchi Genbutsu. Go there and Observe the process. Write down the 3 most important things.

  4. Note down all the steps

    • Please be sure to note down all the steps. A mental walkthrough is fine, you do not need paper.

    • OR. Just do a first quick NOT perfect recording with GIRI. You can delete it later.

  5. Record it

    • Now record the full instructions - using GIRI. πŸ₯ž Remember the first pancake is never perfect.

  6. Test it

    • Let a new random person test it. And ask for feedback.

  7. Improve it

    • Improve it, when needed. Hint. Sometimes recording is faster than editing.

Downloads and Links:

Session slides: Bootcamp 2 Slides

Concept-sheet for work instructions: PDF-Template

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